International Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Insights from the Visit of Colombian Research Group to the Institute of Polymer Technology (LKT)

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International Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Insights from the Visit of Colombian Research Group to the Institute of Polymer Technology (LKT)

Research and development is the key to progress, and international collaboration and knowledge exchange play a key role in achieving breakthroughs in various fields of study. With this in mind, the Institute of Polymer Technology had the pleasure of hosting a 16-member research group from Colombia, from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, led by Professor Dr. Perilla. The visit took place on Thursday, April 19 and was financially supported by the DAAD.

The research group from Colombia was given a deep insight into the research on polymer technology and additive manufacturing in particular. They were introduced to the scientific presentations on additive manufacturing by Professor Drummer and his team. In addition, Professor Perilla and his team presented their research on chemical engineering. The visit was an excellent opportunity for the researchers and students of SFB 814 – Additive Manufacturing to further develop their professional expertise and to share their research experiences with Colombian students. In the afternoon, the group visited Neue Materialien Fürth, where Dr.-Ing. André Lück presented NMF’s activities in polymer engineering and additive manufacturing. The impressive lab tour demonstrated the difference between scientific scale and industrial scale-up, which was a great learning experience for the Colombian group. To complete the day’s activities, Professor Drummers’ key lab at the Bavarian Polymer Institute was introduced, providing a comprehensive overview of the work areas of his research group. After the tour, the researchers had the opportunity to visit the city of Nuremberg and later had a pleasant dinner in the city center, where they continued their discussions and deepened their conversations about the day’s experiences.

In conclusion, the visit of the research group from Colombia was a valuable experience for both the visiting group and the hosting institute’s team. The knowledge exchange and collaboration between the two teams opens doors for future developments in the field of polymer technology and additive manufacturing. The Institute of Polymer Technology looks forward to hosting more such visits and collaborations to advance research and development in this field.

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